Project Description

During the various Covid-19 lockdowns many organisations faced existential challenges, and musical groups were no exception. The Accent Ensembles are the various performing groups of the Accent Music Education Hub in Halton and Warrington, and during the autumn of 2020 they collaborated on a series of Christmas music videos, all recording their parts individually at home to be mixed and edited by one of the band directors. Picture Engine turned these into an online advent calendar and set up an accompanying website for the various music groups as a sponsorship package.

Images of Adding IMPACT responsive website on different devices

From the initial conception of the website through to its realisation, Andrew has been a delight to work with. His knowledge, ability to think on his feet and problem solve has resulted in a website that looks fantastic and is perfectly tailored to our needs

Website Design

The principal objective when setting up this new website was initially to create the advent calendar. This was designed so that the content was locked until the correct day arrived (with a message telling the visitor to come back on the correct day). One each day, another window was unlocked, giving the user one of the lockdown music videos embedded from Youtube. Each page also included a tracker for visitor numbers; part of Accent Music Hub’s funding comes from the Arts Council and it’s therefore helpful to track how many people have seen the video performances in order to give feedback on funding applications.

Accent Ensembles musical advent calendar